Prototype: Future of Job Hunt

Article written by Sreenivas Mothukuru

It was 10 O’clock in the night, I had dinner and was about to say ‘good night’ to family members, but, somehow discussion started between me & my brother about online shopping sites, importance of work experience, approach towards the job hunt, etc. Although discussion went long till mid night the conversation helped me to think about a prototype.

Now a days, we see numerous shopping sites (Flipkart, Ebay, Amazon, Deals2buy, Bestbuy, Snapdeal, Junglee, etc. the list goes on) where individuals can search and buy items of their choice. We are enjoying the luxury of shopping online. Thanks to the technology advancement and brilliant brains behind these.

Similarly, we have number of job sites like Dice, Glassdoor, Indeed, Careerbuilder, USAjobs, Monster, Naukri, Timesjobs, shine, jobsahead, etc. where job seekers can search for open positions and employers can search for suitable candidates based on keywords. With the current setup, job seekers are restricted with limited options/fields which results in employers getting vague information about the candidate.

To make job search and recruitment easy I came up with a prototype. With this new approach (prototype)  job seekers are allowed to post information of their choice and employers can find job seekers just like any other shopping sites. This helps employers to know better about the person whom they are short listing for interview procedure.

Prototype (The future of job hunt):

Please share your thoughts on this. Also, share this with your friends and colleagues if you find it interesting ;)

Happy Valentines Day :)



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