My Ideas & Initiatives

Shared Following Business Ideas at United Online (UOL):

  1. Open Identity: Increased reach, usage and monetization of products and services.
  2. Thanksgiving Day & Black Friday: Substantially increased ‘Yearbooks’ sales and helped organization’s revenue grew by 3.5X times
  3. Scroll Data: The data helped Business Owners smartly target promotions and marketing content on web pages.
  4. Family Connections: Is an interesting feature which helps Classmates members centrally manage and organize all aspects of their lives in a personalized manner.
  5. Referral Program: Is an interesting business model which encourages existing basic / paid Classmates members refer new members and enjoy referral bonus.
  6. Feature on Classmates site - Registration: Reduce exit rates and increase both registrations (via. Facebook connect) and login activity on the site.
  7. Feature on Classmates site - Message Center: Logged in Classmates site users can better differentiate ‘unread’ messages in ‘Inbox’ and ‘Read’ messages in ‘Sent’ items. Helps Classmates site users better communicate with other Classmates site users from ‘Message Center’ web app.
  8. Slam Book: Increase in activity. Help people re-connect with each other more personally. [Currently, no other social networking site provides this feature (including Facebook)].
  9. Platform for Scout Members to Join and Communicate at Classmates: Create a dedicated platform for now and then Scout students across continents. Increase user base across continents (Indonesia, Philippines, United Kingdom, Bangladesh, Thailand,  Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Poland, etc. and other countries). Add 18 to 40 year age group people to Classmates (maintaining existing 40+ age group people in-parallel).
  10. Studied Geographical Distribution of Classmates User Base: Know geographical distribution of Classmates members using features. Know active & passive Classmates users. Stats help us to focus more on passive users, so that we can figure out ways to engage passive users by allowing them to use features and services (paid features free of cost for a week duration, etc.).
  11. Effective utilization of existing basic members: Reward active free members by giving them paid privileges if they add certain User generated Content (UGC) to their profile or do some critical actions for certain period. This approach will create a WIN-WIN situation to both Organization and Classmates users.
  12. Adding Intelligence to the application: Add intelligence to the application. Show the content (i.e. feature or page) which is more relevant to the logged in user. Help logged in user avoid extra steps to reach feature(s) which they visit more frequently.

Initiated Following Team Building Activities:

  1. Pot Luck
  2. Who You Are Makes a Difference [Article:]
  3. Feedback using Ripple tool
  4. “Innovative Portrait Photography” Competition
  5. Wings of Wisdom (WoW) [Article:]

Initiated Following Activities to Sharpen Technical Skills:

  1. Tech Luck
  2. Http Level Testing
  3. ACTS (Advanced Combinatorial Testing System)

Other Initiatives:

  1. High Level Dependency Matrix
  2. Sprint Checklist: Article:
  3. Failure Analysis and Corrective Action Report
  4. Tools Evaluation
  5. 100% Automation on automatable cases and Test-Driven Development (using Selenium KDF Framework)

A few articles written by me …

  1. How to LEAD a team without actually being a BOSS?
  1. What happens when Water fall on Agile?
  1. What makes you the best Manager
  1. Is it Attitude or Qualification that matters?
  1. “Speed thrills but kills” … Is that true? Not always! Check this ...

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